Hit Your Lowest Round Of Golf

Taj Anne Profile

Hi I’m Taj (and that’s my wife Anne). We are weekend golfers.

If you are an amateur golfer with a busy life, a full time job and can only get out to play on weekends, this site is for you.

Find out how to improve your golf and hit your lowest round ever – all while having more fun and enjoying the game you love.

Golf Calculators

Working as an engineer, I’ve always been data driven and analytical.

Golf calculators are a great way to improve your game. Golf calculators can help you with a variety of things, such as Calculating your Score, Golf Handicap, Handicap Index, Course Handicap, and more.

golf handicap calculator

Golf Handicap

The Golf Handicap Calculator is designed to provide a golf handicap for each player based on their potential ability.

Driver Distance Calculator

Driver Distance

The driver distance calculator is the ultimate tool for improving range and distance. Find out what your score is.

Handicap Index Calculator

Handicap Index

The Handicap Index Calculator is a tool that allows you to quickly and easily calculate your Handicap Index.

Course Handicap Calculator

Course Handicap

Looking for a quick and easy way to calculate your course handicap? Look no further than the Course Handicap Calculator from Weekend Golf!








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